
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sgt Schroeter

Several months ago, I posted about the re internment of a Medal of Honor recipient from the Indian Wars.
We had the Full Honors Memorial a couple of months ago, it was something to see. I think we did right by Sgt Schroeter.

Now if we can only get his battle buddy, Pvt Sumner moved. Things are looking up, seems to be some interest from some pretty well placed individuals to make this happen.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

6000 Viewers


The blog hit a milestone this week, over 6000 views. Not bad.

I'm thinking about changing a couple of things.

A friend of mine says I should expand on the reviews I have been doing for TripAdvisor, might just do  that.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Yard House

The Yard House

I like beer. I just want to make that clear at the start, I really like beer. I’m not a fan of the types of American beer that comes from corporations in Colorado or St Louis, I prefer the local craft brews. When we travel we attempt to seek out the local specialty. That’s how we found Moose Drool when we were in Cody Wyoming.

Which brings me to one of my favorite places, The Yard House.

The Yard House claims to have the largest selection of beer in the world. I have no reason to doubt them. The drink menu is massive, and not every beer available is on the menu. My suggestion is to ask your server for their recommendation. All of the servers are well versed in the selections on hand.
Our server today, Christina L. was great, she was attentive, happy and just fun to be around. I told her I like red ales and she suggested a Chronic Ale. She was right, it was very good. I decided to have a second beer and I asked her to suggest a brown ale, she suggested a Downtown Brown Ale. It was even better than the red ale.

This trip I had a Classic Cheeseburger - lettuce, tomato, red onion, garlic aioli, and cheddar cheese. I had them add the Applewood smoked bacon and got truffle fries instead of regular fries. My wife had the AHI CRUNCHY Salad - Ahi Tuna, seared rare, field greens, Asian slaw, and crispy wontons with a soy vinaigrette.

Both meals were excellent. The meat to bun ratio was just right. Some burgers have a giant bun and a little tiny paddy. I once had a triple burger, which was way too much meat. It is a delicate balancing act.

 The garlic aioli is good and it doesn’t overpower the rest of the meal. I’ve begun to ask for burger sauces on the side, because many restaurants slater massive amounts of strong sauces on their burgers, overpowering everything else you’ll eat for the next two days.

The Applewood smoked bacon is really good, and a great addition to the burger. BTW if you’ve never had truffle fries, you need to stop what you’re doing and go get some.

Yard House is the first place I ever tried the seared Ahi Tuna. I had tried to eat sushi, but couldn’t get my mind past the “raw fish thing.” I would literally gag when I attempted to swallow. About eight years ago, I had stopped by the Long Beach Aquarium with two friends. After we went to eat at the Yard House. It was happy hour, and the appetizers were half price.

I figured, what the heck, I’ll give the Ahi a try. I told my friends that if I hated it, I would let them have it. Turned out, I really liked it. And now I have sushi a couple of times a month.

The Crunchy Ahi Salad was very good. The fish was perfect, the soy vinaigrette was well balanced, and tasty. 

If I had to find one thing I would change it is the bun on the burger. I went with the potato bun, I think I should have tried the wheat bun. The potato bun didn’t hold up well. The only other “problem” is that you need to unhinge your jaw to fit the massive burger into your mouth. Because of this you have to really compress the burger.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to try a Moose Drool, you don’t have to go to Cody, The Yard House has it on tap.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I always love what I find when I "Google" my name. Once I learned one of my photographs had been voted the National Guard "stand alone photograph of the year."

 No one told me. In fact, I didn't get the award for several years. A young Soldier found it in a old desk that was being turned-in and recognized my name. He contacted me and mailed the award.

Today I learned that one of the photographs I took at the Army Navy Game several years ago is included in a collection of Army Navy Game images in the History Reader.

I think it's pretty cool.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pvt Sumner

I spent a couple of minutes with SGM (R) Calvin Phillips, President of the High Desert Chapter Association of the United States Army today and discussed the situation with Pvt Sumner. I do believe I saw steam coming out of his ears. Welcome aboard Cal.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Soldier Buried in a Dog Park Update

Got word today that the Congressional Medal of Honor Society cannot assist in getting any of the Veterans moved out of the Ventura Dog Park. 

They have offered some support that is in keeping with their charter. 

No issues, I understand how non-profits work and what I was asking was not in their by-laws. 

There are other ways of fighting city hall.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Medal of Honor Soldier Buried in a Dog Park

I have been working on the re-interment of a Soldier who fought in the Civil War and received the Medal of Honor for actions in the Indian Wars.

 In my discussions with some of the people that will be participating in the event, I found out that a Battle Buddy of the Soldier was in a “Cemetery” in Ventura that has been turned into a Dog Park.

This Soldier also was awarded the Medal of Honor. There are reportedly 3000 people still buried at this location. At least 50 of these souls are Veterans, including a Medal of Honor recipient and one General Officer.

 On my visit there were children learning to play baseball and dogs running all over the grounds. This “dog park” is an insult and a disgrace to all veterans.

A man who was awarded this Nation’s highest honor deserves better. The city has refused to allow Pvt Sumner to be moved to a more appropriate venue.

The entire city should be ashamed of they was they have treated these veterans.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Run for the Fallen

Looking back I was thinking about an event that happened several years ago. I was contacted by a group that was planing to run from California to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the fallen of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They were to leave a flag and a small card describing each Soldier, Marine, Sailor or Airman lost in the war on terror. They originally wanted to start at the Marine Corps Logistics Base in Barstow, because they mistakenly believed that units deploying to the war departed from there. We talked and I explained that units trained at the National Training Center before deployment and that MCLB Barstow supported the training, not deployment of Army units. I suggested that the best place to start the run was at our "Painted Rocks" where units who train at NTC can paint their unit patch on a rock. I presented the event to the Chief of Staff who immediately and totally rejected the idea. He stated that it would be a negative story for the Army. I pointed out that the group was going to do the run, no matter what our participation was. The only choice was how we would be perceived in the media for the next several months; they would either say "We began our run at Fort Irwin" or "the Army would not support us." The chief didn't care and told me no. When I briefed the Commanding General on upcoming events, I left in the slide on the "Run for the Fallen." The CG liked the idea, the chief was really pissed. He told me after the brief that they could start at the rocks, but we would not provide ANY support. When the day came for the run to start, the CG showed up in BDU's. As it turned out, the organizer of the run was inspired by the loss of his college roommate who was killed in the war on terror. Among the runners were family members of the fallen roommate. As the CG was talking to the family, the sister of the fallen Soldier mentioned the officer who had brought her brother home, as it turned out he was stationed at Fort Irwin. Unfortunately, the officer was on leave and could not be at the start of the run. There was a great deal of emotion which ended with the CG, his wife, the sister and roommate hugging and openly crying. When the run started, the CG suddenly took off and ran with the lead runner. I took several shots and sent them into the DoD. A few days later, my wife and I were staying at a hotel in Salt Lake City. When I got up in the morning I was greeted by this story in USA Today
I share this because of my friend Guy who believes that Public Affairs Officers are never listened to. This was one time, the big boss listened and we won.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Plans underway to preserve historic High Desert stretch of Route 66

I’ve spent quite a bit of time driving old Route 66, photographing the remaining iconic places from Winslow Arizona to Santa Monica California.

There are still some of the original locations still in existence, but many have been razed. What I find sad is that some of the locations have been bulldozed to build new “modern” buildings that they attempt to brand with the “Mother Road,” but the designs fall way short.

 I hope that the plan to preserve Route 66 preserves as many of the historic locations as possible. 

Congress should immediately declare the road as a historic site.

View some of my Route 66 photographs here:

Read the story here:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sons of Liberty

I just finished watching the History Channel’s “Sons of Liberty.” Good show, but I wondered how accurate it was. 
I took to the internet to see if I could find any tidbits that might give me some insight.
Unfortunately, the show seems to be slightly less accurate than “Galavant” ( Oh well, I still like it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Working For a Living

It's been a long time since I posted to this blog. The easy answer is I've been working.

First, working a normal 40 hour per week job, and plenty of overtime. Additionally working on fixing up the house.

We bought a "fixer-upper" years ago. Still in Fix mode. And everything takes at least twice as long as planned.

As far as the art goes, been working mostly in photography. I've touched the painting brushes some, but not much.

I've also spent a little time with the lathe, turned some nice pens and bowls.

However, the big "art" project is my Jeep. Lets face it, to take great photographs (and use them as a basis for paintings) you need to be able to get to places a car just can't go.

Expect to see some updates on the progress of the rebuilding of my 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Please Help, need votes for a contest

I'm trying to gain a spot in a national television commercial with Fine Art America, if you could please take time to vote for the three images I entered.