
Friday, March 10, 2023

Heading to the Christmas Markets

We spent two full days near Berlin but hadn’t been to the Christmas market yet.

We did spend one day in Potsdam, and we visited the Sanssouci Palace, King Fredrick the Great’s little get-away palace.

The Palace from the Garden Side

It was a nice tour, beautiful buildings and statuary, but since we were there in the middle of winter, the gardens weren’t as impressive as I’m sure they are in summer and spring.

View of the Gardens from the Palace

So we finally departed for our first Christmas Market in Prague.

The drive was nice. Not too busy on the roads. And the German countryside is everything you would expect.

I mostly enjoyed the Autobahn. The open speed limit areas, the way everyone stays to the right except to pass and the condition of the roadway was great. As for the 130 kph speed limits, every thing I watched talked about how fast it was. Actually it’s just over 80 mph, so it’s almost the speed I drive to work every day.

What did bother me was the consistent changing of the speed limits. It’s 50, now 80, now 130, ok no limits! Then back to 80 without much warning, down to 30 and back up again.

After we got home, I looked at my credit card account and noticed the car rental company had charged me $36 USD for some reason.

After getting the credit card company on the phone, it turned out that I must have been tagged by one the Famous German Speed Cameras.

At least that’s what we think happened. I haven’t received a ticket yet. I’ve heard it could take a year or more.

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